Señor Acuña has based his campaign on the promise of better education for the citizens of Perú, a noble and much-needed goal.
"Plagiarism, for example, is to take something that is not yours. I say that it is not plagiarism because the title of the thesis is original. The conclusions of the investigation are original. Therefore, if the title of the thesis and the conclusions are original, it's not plagiarism!" Well, Duh! He was also quoted as saying, "It wasn't plagiarism. I just copied it."
In addition, a book on education is published by the university that Señor Acuña founded and owns, at times with a famous journalist as the author, and at other times with Acuña listed as the co-author, and at other times as the sole author. The original author, an Otoniel Alvarado, said, "The book is MINE, I don't know what happened to it later."
At an anti-corruption conference (!), Mr. Acuña remarked, while explaining what happened with his thesis, "In the first place, I refuse the word 'plagiarism.' As I have always said, it was an omission, and this was 25 years ago when I still didn't know that I would be a presidential candidate. C'mon people! Applaud for me!" (Cuz, like, if I'd known I was going to be a candidate, then I would have plagiarized more carefully or something.)
While we hope that your presidential campaign season is doing better, we have access to Google News, and we know better.
David and Paula