Thursday, February 26, 2015

Well, that explains a lot!

When they were uncrating appliances for the new mission home, one of the big, mysterious boxes turned out to be a dishwasher.  Many of the folks that day had never seen one before.
We were even more suspicious that such machines were uncommon in Huancayo when the installer guys burned out the circuits on it by plugging it directly in to the 220 volt power here.  It was a 120 volt device, and everything here is 220.  They put in a new board - and a transformer.
Adding further to our suspicions, we bought what turned out to be the only box of dishwasher detergent in Huancayo, and had to have more shipped from Lima.
The thing has never really washed dishes well, and we finally figured out part of the reason why.  We figured it should be hooked up to the hot-water supply.  Figure again.  Since all dishwashing in this part of Peru is done by hand, in cold water, of course a machine that has the same purpose should use the same cold water, right?
Wrong.  So, now we have to figure out how to get hot water to this rare machine.
We are now convinced that dishwashers are even less common here than good drivers.
We hope that your dishwasher is hooked up properly.  You'd better run to the kitchen and check!
Dave & Paula


Taggartjc said...

Dishwashers are infernal machines, even where they are common. Truman Madsen refused to call them dishwashers, insisting instead that they were "dish sanitizers"--you have to wash the dishes before you put them in and then the machine just finishes the job. The one in the temple president's home was brand new but it took us six months to figure out how to make it work. Put the dishes in the wrong way and you end up with scum on the plates and a glob of liquid soap in the sump. Good luck!

Patti said...

If you can't get them to work properly, dishwashers are great for storage. Very expensive storage. Hope you figure out how to get yours hooked up to hot water.