Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sorry about the gap in entries!

I could make all sorts of excuses, but the real one is that we have been kind of busy, like the Pope is kind of Catholic.  And it slipped my mind.  But really, the last three weeks have been particularly crazy.
Every six weeks, "cambios" (that's Spanish for changes) occur, in which missionaries finishing their time here go home.  This involves final interviews, dinner at the mission home, getting them on buses for their flights from Lima, blah, blah, blah.
The next day, the new ones arrive, needing interviewed, oriented and assigned.
During cambios, about half the missionaries have a change of companions or the areas in which they work.  The planning and decisions for all this start weeks beforehand, and continue until the day the new ones arrive.  Emergency changes then happen unpredictably until the next cambio.  This rearranging happened right after a seminar held in Lima for the 32 mission presidents in the five countries of our area.
Every three months, we have a series of "zone conferences," in which we meet with all the missionaries in three separate groups, with instruction and occasionally some fun.
These take place here in Huancayo, in La Merced in the jungle, and in Huánuco at the other end of the Mission.  The conferences also take some preparation, and a whole lot of driving around. This is the car after arriving home late last night from Huánuco, a seven-hour+ drive, a fair amount of which takes place on unpaved roads, with rain this time.  The only good thing is that no one can read the license plate.
Anyway, the craziness took a bit of an upturn.  We apologize for not communicating more frequently, and vow to do better...maybe.
Dave & Paula


Luci Jones said...

Seriously love your blog posts! Interesting that tears fill my eyes every time I read one. I MISS THE MISSION LIFE! I MISS MIXING WITH THOSE AWESOME SISTERS AND ELDERS!

Patricia said...

I love hearing about your mission. I am amazed that you accomplish so much. Our love and prayers are with you.

Patti said...

I know you are so busy, so I am grateful for any snapshot of your crazy mission life you have time to post. Thank you!