Friday, February 21, 2020

Blizzard! In Raleigh!! North Carolina!!!

Or so you would have believed listening to the excited on-air meteorologists.  Schools closed early, (like five hour before the first flake fell), bread and milk was flying out of the stores, and everyone got really excited.
With all due credit and apologies to Gary Larson, one of our favorite old Far Side panels was this:
And that's how blizzards usually go here in Raleigh.  When one hears a forecast of dire wintry conditions, someone in the household will inevitably say, "More like defused nuclear warheads, if you ask me!"  The city is said to possess three actual snowplows, though if needed a few more can be rigged using plows on trucks.  Brine stripes are sprayed on the highways, but anyone who has lived here for a while realizes that the proper response is to hang out, watch a movie, get up late and wait for the sun to come up and put everything right again.  
On the other hand, it is pretty for a couple of hours, and kind of fun.
The daffodils, on the other hand, are not amused.
With the shift in the climate of the world, we'll be getting fewer of these kind-of-fun blizzards.
We hope that you had a nice day off, too.
Dave & Paula


Patti said...

It was the perfect snow day - the yard and trees looked beautiful and glittery yet the walks and driveway didn't need to be shoveled. Thursday night was spent by the fire instead of out and about and then it was life back to normal Friday afternoon. The forecasters may never figure out we don't ever believe them but the South knows how to do snow.

Joan Harper said...

i agree with Patti. A good Snow Day every year is an excuse to read a good book, fix a pot of chili and then enjoy the beauty. - as long as I'm not obligated to drive anywhere until it's all melted away!