Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dang! Really?!

I guess it had to happen, and as they say, it's better than the alternative, but when I read the cautions about the coronavirus and "at risk" groups, it hit me - that's ME!

"The CDC says 'older adults' and people with severe chronic illness are more likely to become severely ill from Covid-19.  

OK, so how did they define 'older adults?'

"Infectious disease experts define 'older adults' as anyone age 60 and up, so people in that age group should be cautious."

Well, crud.  While I appreciate all those who congratulated me on my 66th birthday a couple of days ago, I guess I should start making some adjustments and being more cautious.  Like maybe putting the training wheels back on my bicycle.  

Or remembering the water wings when I'm in my boat.  

And maybe putting an airbag or two on my kiteboard.

I will not repeat what Paula said or did when I suggested sponge baths, but it should only take a week or so for the black eye and other bruises to disappear - well, huh, maybe a bit longer now that I'm an older adult.  


Randy and Leslie Reese said...

You're amazing....said from one older adult to another!!

Patti said...

Just when I thought 70 was the new 60.... :D