Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Nearing the Finish Line

 As explained in a previous blog entry, we were called in late June to serve as interim Mission President for the North Carolina Raleigh Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints until the "real" Mission President and his wife could obtain visas to come from Australia.  

That time has arrived.  They were able to get an appointment last week and apparently answered the questions correctly.  They will arrive tomorrow night (September 17th) all jet-lagged and tired.  We plan on letting them sleep in on Friday, and then make the official hand-off that afternoon.  

This has been a rich experience for Paula and I.  We've gotten to know well over two hundred good young men and women who are here of their own accord trying to help others gain faith and improve their lives.  In addition to preaching the Gospel, they have donated untold hours of service to the communities in which they are assigned.  We have grown to love them.

The missionaries have shown us great patience and love as we've tried to steer the Mission in the right direction.  Just this afternoon we realized that we were the recipients of a "heart attack" by some stealthy Sisters.
OK, it wasn't all perfect.  During our illustrious tenure, we've had two of the missionaries test positive for COVID-19 (both had only mild symptoms), another one totaled a mission car, an appendix got yanked, two kidney stones made their presence known (we're deep in the "kidney stone belt" here), and there have been some homesickness and other maladies.

However, through this experience, our faith has grown.  We have felt the hand of the Lord directing His work, urging us and the missionaries to have courage and go forth.  We will not forget His kindness and patience with us while we've been trying to lead the Mission according to His will.  

So, what happens to us when the Maurers have woken up enough on Friday to accept the car keys and the cell phone?  We introduce them at the Mission office, and as they are getting acquainted there, we quietly slip out and take off our nametags, most likely for the final time...

Dave & Paula


Patricia said...

Happy for you both. It is a great day coming& going.
We are still holding out hope to serve in Cuba someday. Maybe together with you again.
But in the meantime, we have great wind down here! You have a place to stay if if you want to visit us
Pat & Doug

Patti said...

Well done you good and faithful servants!!