Sunday, November 25, 2018


For many of you, it's probably a vision like this: 
However, for our family, it's been more like this,
or this,
or that,
or maybe this:
or even this:
For about as long as we can remember, we've traveled north to my brother Mark's place in Leonardtown, Maryland for Thanksgiving, assuming it wasn't my year to take call.  That meant packing up the car and leaving ASAP on Wednesday afternoon, and a bunch of fun.
One year, Mark and Amy were going to be gone to Taiwan to pick up their second son from his 2-year mission there.
When we explained to our kids why we wouldn't be able to spend Thanksgiving in Leonardtown, they said, "What's the problem?!"  We ended up doing the holiday in Mark and Amy's house without them.  
That was the famous year when the four oldest teenagers, including our two sons, came in laughing in camo's around 11:30PM.  Turns out they'd been playing laser tag in the moonlight on dirt bikes in the soybean fields.  "Yeah, after hitting a couple of ground hog holes at full gas, we figured we'd better lay off."  Good call.
The kids have always played with cousins
gone windsurfing themselves,
and played with Aunt Kathleen's doggies.
There's always some cool project with some contraption that Uncle Mark has put together.
Or something to weld.
Or somewhere to sail to.
And of course, Aunt Amy and Paula always make an incredible meal on Thanksgiving itself.
Lots of good memories from lots of Thanksgivings in Leonardtown at Uncle Mark's and Aunt Amy's.
We hope you've had a great Thanksgiving also.
Dave & Paula

1 comment:

Patti said...

What a fun tradition!