Sunday, March 15, 2015

So THAT's why they have those pockets...and shoulder bags...and windows...

Peruvians on the whole are very kind and generous, drivers excepted.  They have literally given Sister Henderson the manta off their back.
This extends to feeding the missionaries, and many times, overfeeding the missionaries.  One dear older sister was quoted by a Sister missionary as pointing out, "You have to be fatter to attract a husband, you know!"
In order to ready our missionaries for matrimony then, they pile on the rice
and potatoes.

Then they pile on some more.
Two Sisters realized that whoever finished first was given more food.  A quick huddle later solidified their teamwork, and from that point on, they were careful to finish simultaneously.  To the forkful.
At times, however, even the best-laid plans aren't enough, and the food keeps coming no matter the protests.  Drastic measures must often be taken.  Sometimes you just have to stuff it in.
On other occasions, an open window is the only solution.
Cyclists have long had another way.
In our Mission, fashion follows function, with commodious pockets now in vogue.
Extra food can surreptitiously go out the door if your purse is big enough.
Or you were lucky enough to bring the BIG backpack.
In her periodic classes with the pensionistas, the kind ladies that feed the missionaries, Sister Henderson has stressed that too much food can be a problem as much as too little.  However, many persist in believing that the stomach pain and bloating the Elders and Sister complain about is from "gastritis," and they just need to eat more.
Several missionaries have had their folks send down the latest in clothing that helps avoid those embarrassing moments when you just can't eat any more, but it keeps coming.  (Note:  Mission approval for these suits is pending at present)
The most extreme, but true example of having to come up with a way of not offending a generous offer of more food was related to me by a Sister missionary.  When the fourth helping of chicken and rice was piled on despite loud protests, the Sister asked for something from the kitchen, and when alone, removed the big rubber boots she was wearing during the rainy season, poured her plate down one boot and her companion's down the other.  Dinner now through, they thanked their host profusely, and squished home,  The smell in the four pairs of socks that she happened to be wearing never quite came out, and always reminded her of the happy meal.
While the missionaries are truly grateful for the generosity and warm-hearted wishes of those that feed them, several have had to pay for extra weight on the airplane ride home, and we're not talking luggage here.
May your guests never have to put the extras in their boots.
Dave & Paula

1 comment:

Patti said...

Loved the boots solution!