Saturday, June 25, 2016

One more time!

As previously noted, we are trying to stay in shape for the upcoming hike on the Inca Trail.  Knowing that we are leaving in only five more days, and that the last several days would be hectic, we decided to hike up to the Huaytapallana glacier at 16,100 feet one last time, which would be my tenth trip and Paula's fifth.  Somehow, the missionaries found out and wanted to come, so we said sure, and 51 signed up.
The alpacas were less than enthusiastic about the arrival of the crowd on the approach trail to the mountain.
The missionaries let Adventure Grandma® lead the pack.
For the first part of the day, the weather was gorgeous.
It got significantly colder and windier as we ascended, and folks started feeling the altitude.

AT the foot of the glacier, everyone stood still long enough for a picture, then we skedaddled down the hill to the bus.  

So, our final climb up Huaytapallana,  Our mission certainly has natural beauty, even if there is enough other stuff to keep us crazy.  
We hope your hikes are as scenic.
Dave & Paula.

1 comment:

Patti said...

I think it speaks volumes that so many of the missionaries wanted to hike up to the glacier with you, one last time. So sweet!