Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ah! Valentine's Day!

That day when Cupid's arrows fly, when love flourishes,
when thoughts of those we adore cause us to manifest such feelings, when one picks out big rocks from the Stone Center, when... hold it.  Rocks?!  Do you mean this kind of rock?
Nope.  Apparently, these are the kinds of rocks she really wants, so on February 14th, we hit the Stone Center.
OK, but what about flowers?
She wants the kind that pop up out of the ground, so on Valentine's Day she gardened.
How about going dancing?  Nice idea, but around here you could break a leg falling in to the crawl space.  (and Dave don't dance.)
OK, fine, but how about a romantic dinner?
This doesn't exactly peg the romance-o-meter, but we were lucky to have it in the freezer and to have a microwave that works, considering the recent destruction of the kitchen.
By the standards of the world, not much of a Valentine's Day.  However, if you look past all of that, and instead consider the 41 rich years we've had together, I think we're good.


WMDEEZ said...

I love you guys!

Patti said...

We're celebrating 41 years ourselves this very day! Twinners!