Friday, February 1, 2019


In medicine, a 'catabolic' phase refers to a time when muscle, bones, proteins, fat or other structures and substances are being broken down by the body.  In kitchen renovation, it's that block of time when workmen gleefully rip everything apart, while earnestly claiming that "you'll see, it really goes fast once we start the building part."
It has been four weeks now, and we're still in the catabolic phase.  It all started pretty innocently, as the vinyl tile floors came up,
and then the subflooring, with much damage becoming apparent from The Great Flood of 1989.
Pretty soon, the whole dang floor was gone, and one had to be careful where one stepped.
Then part of a wall was taken out,
and this week the electrician went nuts ripping out sheetrock while trying to figure out the 56-year-old wiring.
So this is Paula's beautiful new kitchen, and I hope she's satisfied.  
I woke up in a cold sweat last night, with the awful thought that if the remodeling company went under right now, we'd be out a big deposit, and I'm not sure we'd be preparing many meals in the above-pictured kitchen.  
We hope that your kitchen re-do is moving along more expeditiously.
Dave & Paula


Patti said...

It really does go fast once the tear out is done, especially if you've figured out the electrical stuff. So worth the trouble and the wait after it's finished!

sarah & stephen said...

Yikes, we just put an offer on a house up the street and the first order of business would be to remodel (and reconfigure) the kitchen. House is similar to yours, built in the 70s. Should we be very scared?! And we want t do it ourselves!